Teeth Cleaning Adelaide
Keep your teeth healthy for life. Teeth cleaning is one of the most under-estimated services that we offer. Regular scale and cleans can help to prevent and treat gum disease, bad breath and improve your overall health.
If your gums are unhealthy, they can cause lots of problems, similarly to if your teeth are unhealthy. A lack of professional and good home teeth cleaning can result in a build up of bacteria around your gums. If left untreated, your body tries to get rid of the bacteria itself, and in the process the bones and tissue holding your teeth in place are destroyed. This can result in an abscess, pain and loose teeth, which we can prevent with regular teeth cleaning!
Professional Scale & Clean
At Fullarton Park Dental, the majority of the cleaning done on adult patients is done by a dental hygienist, as they have been specially trained to look after and clean your gums, as well as many other essential preventative dental services. With regular care, we can help you prevent all forms of dental disease, giving you a fresher, healthier mouth and saving you money and time from advanced problems.
Our hygienists use hand instruments and ultrasonic scalers to clean all of the excess tartar off your teeth. In conjunction with the cleaning, you should also expect a comprehensive assessment of your gums, dental advice, fluoride application and x-rays to be taken. This holistic approach to treatment ensures that you can help to keep your teeth for life! Do you want your mouth to feel sparkling clean and fresh? Phone Fullarton Park Dental on (08) 8272 5271 or book an appointment online.
Frequently Asked Questions
We try to arrange your hygiene appointment for a teeth cleaning so that the dentist can come in and do your routine check-up in the Hygienists room. The Hygienist will take a set of X-rays every two years and then commence a general check of the teeth, gums and soft tissues in the mouth. After a thorough clean removing all of the calculus and plaque a fluoride is applied and the Hygienist will discuss any changes that need to be made to your routine and discuss any areas of improvement. Generally taking about 45 minutes in total it is a pleasant experience for our patients.
Generally, we are happy to say no. A routine clean and polish is pain free in most cases and in others a small amount of sensitivity from cold water or a localised discomfort if you have an area that is inflamed. If it has been a while between dental visits the first visit back can be more uncomfortable due to more of these inflamed areas. We have a variety of anaesthetics including a needle free gel that we can use to manage any discomfort. However, most patients report that they don’t need any pain management and rate it as a mild discomfort.